Character Descriptions



Rayhad Ali plays the Beetle and The Boss. Rayhad is in his 20’s, South Asian with short dark hair and dark eyes. When we first meet him he’s dressed in cream trousers, jade green shirt and a green jumper. When he’s the manager the jumper is replaced with a moss green blazer and green tie. As the beetle often scuttles around, his movements fast and dynamic. As The Boss he glares, lurching forward seemingly always ready to attack.

Delano Byfield plays The Manager. Delano is in his 20’s with short dark afro hair and a neat beard. He wears blue trousers, blue shirt and a blue hoodie and replaces the hoodie with a blue blazer when he becomes the manager who often looms over others, peering down at them with disdain. His movements are slow and considered.

Sakshi Chander plays the Mortal. Sakshi is South Asian with shoulder length dark hair, dark eyes framed by glasses. They wear flared maroon leggings dotted with pink hearts, a cream t-shirt with a deep purple shirt over it. The mortal’s movements switch between freedom and ease and tension and restriction. As they become more distressed their movements the physical tension mounts. Towards the end of the play there is a cardboard mask with multicoloured flames along the side.

Grace Kadanga plays the Lone Wolf. A Black British woman in her 20’s, Grace has natural afro hair and dark eyes. She wears a loose fitting cream netted crochet jumper and tan coloured trousers. When transformed into the Lone Wolf her movements are undulating and fluid. The Lone Wolf has a cardboard wolf mask which is placed overhead or held using two long handles at the back.

Juley-Ann Smith plays the Ancient God. A Black British woman in her 50’s, with natural afro hair and dark eyes. She wears red trousers, a loose fitting, African print top with red, yellow and white pattern and bare feet. There is a regal quality to their movement, which is slow and steady but its peppered with moments of jagged staccato when impassioned. When dressed as the God, Juley-Ann wears a brown cardboard mask which covers her face and head with coiled pieces of cardboard hanging from the sides and a curved red beak.